About Me

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog!

My name is Neelam Jayna and I'm 24 years old. I'm studying to become an Accountant but I spend my spare time here on my blog writing about my crazy obsession for makeup and the occasional food and fashion posts! I live in London and I am currently in my final year at the University of Greenwich.

I've always enjoyed makeup, I remember when I was 12 and I bought my first ever eyeliner from a little market in Meadow Hall, Sheffield (I might have looked like a raccoon when I applied it but, it's a good memory nonetheless). Ever since then I've gone through phases of wearing bright blue eyeshadow and orange blusher, to not being able to leave the house without covering my dark under eye circles and doing a winged liner. Despite wearing makeup for such a long time, I am at no means an expert at applying makeup, I just learn from watching beauty Gurus on YouTube and I practice a lot.

As well as beauty, I love to bake. It's so relaxing and I am such a sucker for a good cupcake! My parents bought me a kMix for my 21st (5 months before my birthday might I add ha) and I've been loving using it to try out new recipes. I find it quite hard to take pictures of my cakes and things, but I've started to include more recipe posts to share my passion.

I started this blog not just because of my passion for makeup but I also felt like there was a lack of reviews out there for products that suit girls that are darker in skin tone like myself.. I hope my reviews help all of you and are detailed enough to help you make a decision as to whether you should buy it.

I love to talk to new people and hear your thoughts on things, so feel free to comment on any of my posts or reach me through my social media. The beauty community is so big and strong and I love being a part of it. I'm also happy to do any posts you suggest and any further reviews. If anyone is open to guest posts or blog collaborations then do contact me, I would love to get involved.

Thank you for coming down to my blog, I really appreciate  your comments and likes!! :)

If you have any questions or PR requests you can simply email me at:

Don't forget you can also follow me on my social media
Twitter: @neelamjayna
Bloglovin': neelamjayna
Instagram: neelamjayna

Love Neelam xx
